Ça ne vous prends pas des envies parfois de tout laisser tomber et de partir en voyage ? 3e email.
Bonjour to you all,
Have finally come down from the mountains a couple of days ago after about a consecutive month above a mile of altitude.
Have made it from Peshawar to Lahore last night and am looking forward to exploring this historical city after a more nature-oriented portion of the voyage.
So far today, have not braved the heat and humidity to go into the street and potentially out of the shade (definitely from under fan), except to get some breakfast. I can only imagine those poor fucking Brits during the raj in the summer months here.
Between the last email and now, I went west to Chitral and briefly visited one of those Kalasha valleys, the only pocket of non-Muslims here, actually a pagan tribe that's survived here.
Then southbound to greener pastures, out of the Hindu Kush and to Peshawar. Spent less than two days there, did not attract me too much (except for the sweets, actually).
Planning on hanging out here a little; visa runs out next Tuesday, but I might run from the heat earlier, as I am heading to the Himalaya on the Indian side after what will not be very long on the plains (here and Amritsar basically).
Apart from that, everything is cool. The situation (political and military) in Pakistan is not as serious as the newspapers and TV make it out to be, and promising to get better as Musharraf has finally stepped down.